

Isabel Badell

Originally from Venezuela, Isabel moved to the US at age five and pursued a degree in architecture. However, her true passion lies in travel, finance, investing, and helping others achieve financial freedom through systems—because, as she believes, "systems save lives."

Isabel is a visionary with a big-picture mindset known for creating systems that transform businesses and lives. As a 5/1 Pure Generator in Human Design, she is deeply committed to mastery and efficiency. Isabel believes in creating something once and leveraging it many times.

She is passionate about using resources wisely to achieve goals, realize dreams, and live the lifestyle you desire

Together with Vanessa, she is building a portfolio of businesses aligned with their mission. Isabel’s influence empowers others to achieve financial independence and live their dreams.

Vanessa Black

Vanessa believes in the power each individual holds and is driven by her purpose to inspire others to achieve their desires and live free. She is committed to impacting the collective by empowering others with education, self-awareness, and community to achieve personal and financial freedom.

As a passionate 4/6 Emotional Manifestor in Human Design and a certified life transformation coach, Vanessa has a background in playing college basketball and, with Isabel, built their first business in Thailand from zero to millions, leading to a successful exit so they could focus on their greater purpose and serve the masses.

Vanessa is dedicated to helping others achieve personal freedom and shatter limiting beliefs. She values God, people, truth, love, and thrives on creating memorable experiences and is driven to make a positive impact, ensuring her life is one of example, purpose, and contribution.